After barely making it through their Secondary School Certificate examinations, Ritesh Virani, whose father is a Kabadia, is unable to get admission in any college. He is not the only one though, his pals Pooja Nigam and Nanj Nair are also in the same leaky boat. They attempt in vain to secure admission through the father of their scholarly pal, Vishnu Vardhan. Then Ritesh's father decides to fire his hired help and get his son to do the work, and Pooja's dad decides to get her married, the desperate friends get together and concoct a fake college 'Fakirchand And Lakirchand Trust University', with the help of their money-lender friend, Google Chand. They recruit school-teacher, Baaji Rao, as Principal, whose performance is unacceptable by his school principal due to lewd references to 'Munni's Badnami' and 'Sheila's Jawani'. Google Chand offers them a derelict mansion in Panchgani...
Writers:Sameer (lyrics), Mayur Puri (additional dialogue).
Stars:Ritesh Deshmukh, Jacky Bhagnani and Puja Gupta.
01. Le Ja Tu Mujhe > DOWNLOAD
02. Char Baj Gayi (Party Abhi Baki Hai) > DOWNLOAD
03. Rab Sab Se Sona > DOWNLOAD
05. Fully Faltu > DOWNLOAD
06. Gale Laga Le > DOWNLOAD
07. Nayee Subah > DOWNLOAD
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