Orphaned at a young age, former officer with Goa Police, Arjun Vishnu Bhaagwat, now lives alone, though he has a sweetheart in gorgeous model, Priya. Amidst reports of police extending their search for missing prostitutes, specifically the Caucasian daughter of a high-profile Russian Diplomat, Arjun is hired by a gangster, Sameer, and for a fee, must not only locate missing call-girls but also their abductor. Unable to get any clues, he than enlists the assistance of Sameer to recruit a bait, Reshma, who comes from an impoverished family, for the killer. Shortly thereafter Reshma goes missing, and Arjun loses contact with her. Guilt-ridden, he decides to use all possible resources to try and locate her before she herself becomes included in the official 'missing persons' list.Director:Mohit Suri
Writers:Mahesh Bhatt, Shagufta Rafique
Stars:Jaqueline Fernandes, Yana Gupta and Emraan Hashmi
01. Hale Dil > DOWNLOAD
02. Aa Zara> DOWNLOAD
03. Aye Khuda > DOWNLOAD
04. Phir Mohabbat >DOWNLOAD
05. Tujhko Bhulaana >DOWNLOAD
06. Aa Zara (Reloaded) > DOWNLOAD
07. Hale Dil (Acoustic) > DOWNLOAD
08. Aye Khuda (Remix) > DOWNLOAD
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